Monday, March 10, 2008

Catholic Church announces new sins

In a hail mary attempt to disconnect with the youth of today, the Pope has announced 7 new "social sins", which will allow the Future of America™ to rebel in modern ways like using birth control or littering. No longer is being lazy enough to fully earn God's ire, one now needs engineer massive socio-economic changes like creating poverty. The full list of the 7 nu-sins follows:
† "Bioethical" violations such as birth control
† "Morally dubious" experiments such as stem cell research
† Drug Abuse
† Polluting the environment
† Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor
† Excessive wealth
† Creating Poverty
For those attempting to check off all the items their unholy bucket list, here are the O.G. 7 Deadly Sins:
† Pride
† Envy
† Gluttony
† Lust
† Anger
† Greed
† Sloth
Hurry, hurry! Last one to the great white thone of judgement is a rotten egg who won't get punished for sin after the general ressurection and last judgement!


Anonymous said...

so, there are new sins. Does this mean there are new places to go and repent? A new wing to hell?

Matt Raz said...

I'm wondering if you get grandfathered into heaven under the old policies. I mean if you are already in heaven or died the day of or after the new sins were announced, how do you atone and repent?