Friday, January 25, 2008

Breaking: Moz is a douche of epic proportions

In what will surely come as a surprise to, well, no one, whiny British crybaby Morrissey is apparently quite difficult to get on with. A piece published in today's Times Online, a UK paper discusses the very high standards a member of the former Smiths singer must live up to. Former assistant tour manager Andrew Winters reveals "shocking" details of the singer's mandatory vegans-only rule, strict dress code, choice of drinking games, and olfactory necessities:
I am told that if I am accepted, then it will be the most unusual gig I will ever experience. ...

...I get the sense if I am caught even visibly acknowledging the existence of a McDonald’s - instant sacking. I politely ask what the view is on fish. Seafood is sea life, I am informed, the same rule applies....

... The production carries “sound-check suits”. I am informed that the band are considered “ambassadors” of the Morrissey tour and are therefore expected to be dressed in these suits for all soundchecks, all collective flights, all dinners and functions that may possibly include Morrissey – and it’s my responsibility to make sure that they are wearing them....

... During the soundcheck I am to “fragrance spray” between the front row and front of house and am informed that Morrissey’s PA will provide me with the fragrance of the day “if required”....

...Be careful, Andrew,” someone warns me. “Moz hates people who are boring . . . but then, he also hates people being too pushy around him. Establishing common ground quickly is important.”...

... Morrissey looks at me with what seems like a slight smirk and shakes my hand. “Don’t worry, Andrew, it can only get better than this,” he says – and then proceeds to grab his guitarist and rub his fingers through his hair....

... While this is going on everyone is drinking. Morrissey instructs his PA to order him a large vodka concoction...A drinking game ensues, where one of the musicians is encouraged to knock back his pint to a chorus of “Down in one, down in one, down in one,” a chant to which Morrissey himself adds flamenco claps, skipping in front of his employee. He immediately beckons for another pint for the same musician and the process is repeated....
Not only this, but apparently admiration of either Henry Rollins or Elton John do not bode well! But was Moz's vacant promise regarding things getting better ultimately true? Depends who you ask, as Mr. Winters got the boot on the second day of rehearsals.

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