- Four pioneers accidentally drank bleach from an unmarked soda bottle
- 11-year-old Divad who burned her face on a stove but said she was fine afterwards
The Return of the Old
9 months ago
Commentary and anaylysis on pop culture & media, dynamic marketing concepts & social media speculation, and film/tv production blogs. Oh, and I'll probably talk about rap - like, a lot.
† "Bioethical" violations such as birth controlFor those attempting to check off all the items their unholy bucket list, here are the O.G. 7 Deadly Sins:
† "Morally dubious" experiments such as stem cell research
† Drug Abuse
† Polluting the environment
† Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor
† Excessive wealth
† Creating Poverty
† PrideHurry, hurry! Last one to the great white thone of judgement is a rotten egg who won't get punished for sin after the general ressurection and last judgement!
† Envy
† Gluttony
† Lust
† Anger
† Greed
† Sloth
"I have to say that any girlfriend that wants to fuck all day and let the used condoms and take-out containers pile up around you while you two conduct your cycle of fucking, eating, sleeping, fucking, eating, and sleeping again, is some marrying material."And here's how the Black Like Me author responded to a reader who was not sure how to handle jealousy brought on by her husband keeping in touch with former lovers:
"Your husband, who I might say, sounds like quite the shrewd individual, is probably just preparing for the inevitable and I advise you to do the same or you'll end up spending your lonely, post-marriage single days watching Law and Order with a Sybian you've sadly decided to name 'Henry.'"We think you'll dig the rest. Keep up with Jay at Philly's two.one.five mag.